Get a Library Card
Please click one of the buttons below to complete the form to request or renew a library card. Library cards may also be requested or renewed by visiting the library.
Individuals eligible for a card at no charge are:
- Residents of Lyon Township
- Residents residing in an area served by The Library Network that are not a part of the Shared System that own a library card from their home library.
- Persons living outside Lyon Township, but owning property or a business within the township.
- Persons living outside Lyon Township, but employed by a business or organization within the township.
- Cards for minor children will require the signature and driver’s license or ID of the child’s parent or guardian. The library recommends that children get their own cards when they are old enough to write their own name.
- Temporary residents may apply for a temporary library card with proper identification.
- Unpaid fines from a previous card must be paid before a new card will be issued.
- Residents of Lyon Township do not have borrowing privileges at the Salem South Lyon District Library. For an explanation of the District Library User Policy, and to find out which library you belong to, click here.
- Library cards require renewal three years from the anniversary date. Please visit often to keep your card valid.
- Please notify the library immediately if there is a change in your address or telephone number.
What services do I get with my library card?
As a library card holder at Lyon Township Public Library, you receive many services today, including:
- Reciprocal borrowing of materials from over 42 member libraries in the TLN Co-Op
- Free computer and wifi usage
- Low cost printing and faxing services
- Scanning service at no additional charge
- Unlimited borrowing of books, music CD’s DVD’s, magazines and audiobooks
- Downloadable ebooks and audiobooks through OverDrive and hoopla.
- Access to many digital services that the library pays for, click here for more information.
- Low vision services through Oakland County
- Genealogy services – we are a Family History Center affiliate with access to files from Salt Lake City.
- LTPL Grows Sustainable Living programs including our Seed Sharing Library
- Children’s services including programs, Preschool Storytime, Summer Reading Program and more.
- Monthly Book Discussion Groups
- Friends of the Library Book Sales, Accessories Bazaar, and Family Fun Day
- Databases for Genealogy, Education and Training through the Michigan eLibrary
- Computer assistance, education, and problem solving
- Discounted museum admission through the Michigan Activity Pass
- Discounted Detroit Zoo admission through Tickets and More