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Genealogy Databases

Helpful Websites for Researching

AAA State of Play Genealogy for Kids: Building a Family Tree

A family tree is a visual representation of a family’s lines of descent. This list of resources will help children discover their family history.

Cyndi’s List
A comprehensive, categorized & cross-referenced list of links that point you to genealogical research sites online.

Ellis Island
Free port of New York passenger records search.

Free family history & genealogy records.

Genealogy in Time
Search 2.2 billion free ancestral records from around the world.

Great Lakes Region Archives 

These offices work together to preserve and make available the documents created by Federal agencies in the Great Lakes Region. 

MI Family History & Genealogy

Links to Michigan History and Genealogy departments. 

Milford Historical Society

A resource for those interested in the history of Milford Township and the city of Milford, Michigan.

National Archives
Resources and tools for genealogists.

Roots Web
The primary purpose and function of Rootsweb.com is to connect prople so that they can help each other and share genealogical research.

Salem Area Historical Society 

The Salem Area Historical Society is a group of citizens working to preserve, archive and inform others on the history of Salem Township Michigan and its surrounding area.

Sanborn Maps
This digitized collection of Sanborn Maps is provided by the Library of Congress for public use.

South Lyon Herald Archives
Browse issues of the South Lyon Herald from 1929-1945 from the libraries of Central Michigan University.

South Lyon Historical Society

Information about the initiative to preserve the history of the South Lyon area, headquartered in the historic Witch’s Hat Depot.


Ship manifests, census listings and vital records.

The USGenWeb Project 

Free genealogy websites for genealogical research in every county and every state of the United States. This Project is non-commercial and fully committed to free genealogy access for everyone. 

Views of the Past
Vintage photographs of Michigan towns and landmarks.